sexta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2011

Cells Summative Assessment

  Hi peeps! And here I am again all good and healthy (like you have any idea that I am barely sleeping properly these days x.x)! Oh forgive me, I'm just trying to look positive. In these past three weeks I was busy doing a cell summative assessment (woo-hoo...-.-). This is the instruction that came with the worksheet that my teacher gave me:

  "Your work for Zoinks! Book Company. Your editor wants you to develop didactic materials to add to their teaching kits. These kits normally come with a textbook, a test bank, and a lab book. The goal is to give teachers another tool to use with the students.The material developed must help students master all learning goals developed for the unit CELLS. (...)"

  Basically, the project's goal was to think of a creative way to demonstrate most of the things we (me and co., er-herm, class) learned so far.Our teacher gave us some options for us to choose how to demonstrate those topics. Since this blog is mostly about what I did, I'm just going to say what I chose to do: a comic book (yay me again! >w<). I was planning to draw the story, trace the lines to make them darker, and then, color the pictures (a professional work hohohoho ^0^). Unforunately, since I am a slow drawer, I gave up on that idea after 2 weeks and five days, and decided to write a story, because I believe that I type stories faster, than draw comic books. Just to give you a better picture of all the work I had to do: I ended up writing two 7, 8-page stories. One about nutrients, and the other one about cells (yipeeee e_e). I don't know if you did this yet, but if you calculated the fact that I had three weeks to do this project, and tried doing a comic book for 2 weeks and five days, to later, in the end, give up. I think you will find out that I did my whole entire project in just two days (the weekend! MY weekend Dx).

  Although I did manage to finish my project until the due date, I wasn't very satisfied with it. I mean, I actually wanted to make my project super cool and creative, but it just turned out to be this super long story that wasn't as creative as my comic book idea (T^T). I mean, in my opinion, a comic book would have a more colorful and exciting atmosphere, than a book, right? RIGHT? Also, I don't think my stories are exactly STORIES, for they look more like some kind of science essay with weird titles and introductions. 0.0 (heh! Good luck trying to like it, miss!).

  Ah! I forgot to mention this. Guess what? Not only did we have to do something creative for the project, but we also had to do a video (noooooooooo! Too late to say that actually...>.<). Thankfully, we didn't have to do a lot of things in the video (Thank you, God! T^T). We basically, had to show what we did and also, show how our projects demonstrate mastery of all learning goals (FYI, the things that we learned that we had to show in our works). Hope you like it, despite being kind of bizarre, and please, don't make fun of my voice in the video, ok? I didn't do anything offensive to you (I believe, and if I somehow did, I would like to say that I'm sorry); therefore,don't do anything bad to me. If you do, then, I will be warning you that that will be the last time that you will ever do something like that and trust me, you'll be sorry for that (muahahahahahaha! >:D). Also, my voice is definetly NOT like that! It's prettier, cooler, and husky...nah, the husky part was a lie. It's all the iTouch's fault! >.<



 Sorry if you got creeped out by the dude with the loose eyeball. But nobody's perfect right? Just leave his little eyeball alone. u.u

Evaluation: Oh boy, here comes the evalutation. Oh well so, since I had many projects and homework to do during most of my time, I couldn't draw a lot of stuff for my comic book; therefore,  I gave up on that idea, in order to do something faster (story). However, I have to admit that if I could've tried doing the project during the weekends, I would've been able to finish it. Of course, I didn't even think of sacrificing my lovely weekends to do  some work, because I need my beauty sleep, excuse me.

  I really REALLY spent all of my weekend (ALL of my weekend - in the third week) typing those stories. Although I am very happy that I finished my job, I still don't feel satisfied with it. How should I say this...because it is not that creative? Not to mention, that I believe that I have focused too much on the learning goals, instead of the story. Not that I should've focused more on the story, than on the learning goals. It's just that I believe that they should be balanced, for a story with more scientific information, than plot is too boring, while a story with more plot, than scientific information won't be very focused in the demonstration of what I learned (which is bad).

  If you would like to view my works (if you are patient and "length-tolerant" enough), please feel free to click on these links below ^^ The last one is of my resource list.

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